GOOD NEWS: Antibiotic-free Animal Feed in 2021
In XVET’s October 2021 Newsletter, we shared a graphical representation of WATT Global Media’s annual Poultry Feed & Nutrition Survey (Graph I) with the percentages of usage of antibiotic in poultry production. The survey relied on the input of 560 replies from professionals (vets, nutritionists, consultants) all around the world. This survey is used as an overview of the current situation of poultry production at international level.

This graph is aiming to show a field statistic regarding the usage of antibiotic in the field of production; in the survey people were asked about the percentage of antibiotic usage in their production facilities: ranging from productions who have a conventional usage of antibiotics until productions which are 100% antibiotic free.
This statistic analysis helps to have an idea of the global trend and the importance to highlight the topic of antibiotic reduction in poultry productions. Almost half of the survey participants (49%) declared that their productions range from 50% to 100% freedom of antibiotics, and from those even a 24% with a complete antibiotic-free production.

This WATT survey in general is showing the high number of production entities around the world that are stopping or reducing the usage of antibiotics as growth promotors and opting for alternatives to support their production.
Here in XVET, the goal is to support farmers all around the world by improving their productions with the help of multiple formulations, all of them free of antibiotics.

There are multiple alternatives and pathways to support animal well-being and improve their production performance by utilizing products such as acids, botanical extracts, essential oils, toxin-binders, and many more. In order to make this work efficaciously, it is important that the origin and quality of the raw material and products, and XVET being a German GMP+ company is bringing high quality and efficacy product to the global market.
For more information about the survey, we invite you to visit the complete study under https://www.wattglobalmedia.com/.