XVET NAGP Approach
Non-Antibiotic Growth Promoters (NAGPs) are the tool to fight antimicrobial resistance. A concern for antibiotic-resistant organisms in Humans as a result of the overuse of Antibiotics in livestock has been increasing especially because the antibiotic treatments can have a direct effect on human health. Following our mission to contribute to a safe and sustainable agriculture and improve the health of both animals and human we want to highlight our ideology and NAGP product range so that together we can create a better tomorrow. Learn more about our NAGP Approach.
Technical Articles
The slightest change in animal rearing can have a great impact on the production results. To make sure that it is the right decision it is important to be well informed. We want to provide insights to support your everyday challenges, from farm and disease management, antimicrobial resistance and alternatives to other technical matters.

The Alternatives
There are many alternatives that can support a healthy animal rearing without having to use Antibiotic Growth Promoters. Options like Phytogenics, Organic and Inorganic acids, Probiotics, Prebiotics and Medium & Short Chain Fatty Acids, serve different purposes depending on each farm needs and wishes. Learn more about how these ingredients can support a healthy growth and what proposals you can find in XVET Range.