Effect of Ovostrong in Laying Hens
Type of trial: Customer Own Trial
Location of trial: Commercial Layer Farm in Southern Philippines
Trial period: April and May 2019 in total 5 weeks
Trial design: 23934 birds laying hens with different age groups
Trial aim: To investigate the effect of Ovostrong, XVET Germany on laying performances
Material and Method:
Two different houses in this farm with total of 23934 birds were considered for this trial and two
different competitor’s product (A, B) in Philippines market were administered to this two different
houses. Birds in this two different houses had different ages as well. In both houses Ovostrong
was administered for 1 Kg per ton of feed and for 6 weeks.
Competitors groups for both houses had similar environmental conditions and factors evaluated
in all treatments were mentioned as below:
– Total egg production
– Total cracked eggs
– Total soft shell eggs
– Total rejected eggs
– Income
– Mortality (%)
House 1:
Total egg production for the Ovostrong group was 220,135 egg, which was a bit less than the total egg production in the competitor A group (221,873). The additional income in the Ovostrong group can be connected to the higher quantity of improved eggs. In total, the percentage of cracked, soft-shelled, and rejected eggs were 1.52 % less. Mortality percentage in Ovostrong group was 0.92 %, which was less than in the group of competitor A (1.05 %).
House 2:
By administering Ovostrong via feed to the flock in house 2, the quality of the production, which was measured as egg quality, was improved (Figure. 3), nevertheless with smaller differences between groups than in House 1. In total, the percentage of cracked, soft-shelled, and rejected eggs were 0.09 % less in the Ovostrong group of House 2. Total egg production for Ovostrong group was 241,765 eggs, which is a bit higher total egg production than in the group fed with the product of competitor B (229,238 eggs). In percentage, this an increase of 0.34 %. Mortality percentage in the treatment group was 0.52 %, which was less than in the competitor B group (0.65 %).
The results of this study are showing clearly that the administration of Ovostrong in layer farms can lead to improved performance rates (especially more sellable eggs) which will lead to a higher return of investment for the farmer, especially in older layer flocks.
For more information please contact technical@xvetgermany.com .