Evaluation of broilers growth fed with diets supplemented with Synbiotic compared to Antibiotics
In animal production, antimicrobial resistance of pathogens is threatening animal and human health. This has resulted in the search for natural alternatives which could replace antibiotics as growth promoters and improve animal health, including those which stimulate growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. The use of prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics as an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters in poultry feed has been extensively studied. In the present study, the effects of synbioticsupplementation on the growth parameters of broilers were analysed and compared with antibiotic growth promoters commercially available in the market. In addition to growth parameters, intestinal length and morphology of the intestine were also evaluated during this experiment.
Alternatives to Antibiotic Growth Promoters in Poultry, A Peruvian Experience
Even though antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) are allowed to be widely used in the Peruvian poultry industry, some big broiler and layer companies have started new approaches in order to replace the AGP by novel alternatives like nutraceuticals, which include probiotics, prebiotics, organic acids and their salts and plant extracts among others.
This new trend reveals the awareness of the threat of irrational use of antibiotics in food animals which are dangerous for human health (public concern) and showing the importance that how poultry and livestock are raised.
We in VHD Sanidad Animal started to move toward this trend in 2012 when signed an agreement with XVET Germany in order to introduce it´s products as AGP alternatives (NAGP).