Ovostrong (XVET Germany) enhancing the performance parameters on laying…
The eggshell is a protective shield for the contents of the egg, giving not only a structure but also a membrane that allows the egg to exchange gas and humidity through it. Good eggshell quality is affected by various factors such as the strain of the animal, age, usage of medications, stress, and nutrition. One important factor that can be enhanced is nutrition; the addition of a good and balanced source of calcium and phosphorus will help to improve the eggshell quality. A bad eggshell quality will result in broken eggs, deformed eggs, or bad hatchability; which translates to big economic losses for producers.
The results of this study are showing that Ovostrong administration in layer farms will help to obtain higher performance levels by increasing egg quality and egg production rate; which will lead to a higher return on investment, especially in older laying hens.
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