Zincotin is enhancing breeder performances
The effect of Zincotin, XVET Germany on broiler breeder performances’ was estimated in this study.
The experiment was done at a broiler breeder farm in the North of Iran. 30.278 birds (Arbor Acres Plus) were evaluated in 8 houses of this farm from week 40 to 67 of the production period.
Since roosters in this study received Zinc in both feed (Organic Zinc) and drinking water (Zincotin) and also hatchability in the treatment group was much higher than the control group, we could conclude that Zinc availability for birds in breeder farm (Hens and roosters) is vital in the breeder farms for achieving the higher hatchability under appropriate condition.
It is determined that Zincotin (XVET Germany) application will improve the breeding performances in broiler breeder farms.
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