How are birds defending against pathogens?
Poultry as well as other animals must have a way of protecting their body from external factors that can create problems. These defenses are going to fight against various antigens (microorganisms and their metabolites) to decrease the possibility of the animal getting sick; this protection mechanism it’s called immune system.
To reduce the possibility of a non-properly working immune system, there are nutritional inclusions that can be made to enhance and support the immune system, in the form of feed and water additives.
In XVET, there are many products that can support the immune system, utilizing different ingredients and approaches that have been proven to have a strong effect. Three important products which are directly helping immune system are:
· Turbo Tox and Dyna-MOS: Smart formula rich in high quality ß-Glucans and MOS
· Zincotin: Highly bioavailable organic Zinc