Effect of AROMAX (XVET Germany) on performance, local and…
Original published paper:Faleh Thajel and Amjed H Ulaiwi – Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2017; 5(5): 1986-1990
Type of trial: Efficacy of Aromax on respiratory system
Location of trial: Broiler chicken, Iraq
Trial period: from day one until day 35 in the life cycle of a broiler flock
Experimented animals: 210 one-day old Ross 308 chicks
Trial aim: To assess the Effect of AROMAX (XVET Germany) on performance, local and humoral immunity against vaccination of Newcastle disease in broiler chicken
This study was performed at the University of Baghdad in Iraq to examine the benefits of using Aromax in the life cycle of broiler (from day one until day 35). In this study several different health and production parameters were measured: Body weight and weight gain, air sac lesion scores, local and humoral immunity and liver enzymes.
Material and methods:
A total of 210 one-day old Ross 308 chicks were divided in to 7 groups with 30 chicks in each group. Each group had different parameters regarding the usage of Aromax as well as the vaccination; the application form of XVET Germanys Aromax varied between oral and spray, and the way of vaccination also between oral and spray.

The collected data was statistically analyzed for significant differences using one and two-way ANOVA. 10 chicks from each group were weekly weighed to calculate average body weight and average weight gain for each group. Gross lesion scores (0-4) of the air sac were taken according to their turbidity degree. Blood was taken for further ELISA testing for immune reaction (local and humoral) and for enzyme measurement.
Body weight:
During the vaccination period, Group 3 and Group 4 had significantly (p<0.05) higher average body weight (g) compared to the control Groups (G5, G6, G7) as shown in Fig. 1.

Score lesion:
Lesion scores of the air sac were measured on day 15, 25 and 35. This score ranges from 0 to 4 with 0 being a clear, healthy air sac and 4 being a cloudy, unhealthy air sac according to the degree of turbidity. Groups 2, 3, 4 and 6 (average score=0.33) had a significantly (p<0.05) lower score compared to Group 7 (average score=3). This shows that Groups 2, 3, 4, and 6 had air sacs that were healthy and clear of respiratory problems.
Local and humoral immunity:
The immune system strength (local immunity) and vaccine response (humoral immunity) were measured on day 15, 25, 35. Blood samples were taken from 10 random chicks in each group. The strength of the immune system was determined by measuring immunoglobulin concentration (IgA). As Figure 2 shows, Groups 2, 3, and 4 had significantly higher concentrations of IgA compared to the control Groups 5, 6, and 7. This indicates a stronger overall immune system in Groups 2, 3, and 4 compared to the control groups.
Figure 2: IgA Concentration (mg/dl)

Vaccine response was determined by measuring antibody titer against Newcastle disease. Essentially, if the birds are exposed to Newcastle disease, this metric shows how well their immune system will react and prevent disease onset. Graph3 shows that Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 had significantly stronger responses to the Newcastle vaccines than the control Groups.

Overall these two metrics show that Aromax improved the overall strength of the immune system as well as increasing the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Liver enzymes:
Two different liver enzymes, Aspartate transaminase (AST) and Alanine transaminase (ALT), were measured from 5 chickens from each group on day 35 . High levels of these two liver enzymes indicate liver stress and damage. This was measured because vaccinations can put stress on the liver and cause damage. Groups 3 and 4 had significantly lower levels of both AST and ALT compared to Group 7. This shows that the Newcastle vaccine puts stress on the liver, but providing Aromax during the vaccination period can significantly reduce as shown in figure 4 and 5.
Figure 4-5: Effect of Aromax and vaccination on blood ASL and AST levels

The present study indicates that administering XVET Germanys Aromax resulted in a reduction of respiratory signs and improved the local and humoral immune response in broilers. Overall Aromax improved the overall strength of the immune system as well as increasing the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Administering Aromax as a spray (2ml/l) twice a week and in the drinking water (0.2 ml/l) everyday (Groups 3 and 4) results in a healthier respiratory system, higher body weight and weight gain, less stress on the liver, a stronger immune system and stronger vaccine response compared to vaccinating against Newcastle disease without giving Aromax (Control).
We would like to thank the autors Faleh Thajel and Amjed H Ulaiwi for providing us with the study and the permission for the usage of the results as technical material.
For more information, please contact technical@xvetgermany.com