Autumn Challanges: Keeping Your Flock Healthy and Productive
As crisp winter air descends upon us in the world’s northern hemisphere, farmers face unique challenges that come with the season. While it’s true that not everyone is experiencing winter in the same way due to different farming systems, it’s essential for poultry farmers worldwide to be prepared when the colder months arrive. In this article, we’ll explore some of the key challenges that winter brings to poultry farming and offer practical solutions to ensure your feathered friends thrive throughout the season.
Temperature Control:
Maintaining the right temperature is crucial during winter. Poultry are more susceptible to cold stress, which can lead to reduced egg production, slower growth rates, and even mortality. To combat this, consider insulating your coop, using heat lamps, and providing adequate ventilation to regulate humidity levels.
High humidity promotes the growth of molds and fungi in both the poultry house and the feed. This can lead to mycotoxin contamination in the feed, which can be toxic to poultry and have detrimental effects on their health and performance.
Lighting Conditions:
Shorter days in winter can disrupt the natural light cycle for poultry, affecting their reproductive and egg-laying patterns. To address this, invest in artificial lighting systems on timers to ensure your birds receive a consistent 14-16 hours of light per day. This will help maintain egg production and overall flock health.
Nutritional Needs:
Poultry require more energy to stay warm in winter. Adjust their diet accordingly by providing a slightly higher calorie feed. Supplement their diet with cracked corn or grains in the evening to help them generate body heat during the cold nights.
Health Concerns:
Winter conditions can exacerbate existing health issues and increase the risk of diseases. Be vigilant in monitoring your flock for signs of illness and provide adequate shelter and protection from the elements. Due to cold temperatures, the ventilation of the flock cannot be done properly. Therefore, the ammonia levels increase in the flock and cause respiratory issues. Keep their living quarters clean and dry to reduce the risk of mold and respiratory issues.
Take Action Today:
Prepare your poultry flock for a successful winter season by incorporating our Mould Inhibitor Mould Guard Diamond and Litter Quality Enhancer, Drymax, into your poultry management practices. Experience the benefits of a healthier and more resilient flock during winter and beyond.

Mould Guard Diamond is a powerful antifungal agent with a rich composition of citrus seed extract and organic acids with salts.
Drymax is a finely dispersed, highly porous powder capable of binding free water and humidity quickly. It contains essential oils which are gradually released and improve air quality, suppressing the ammonia smell.