Commercial livestock production has been increasing due to the high demand for food, however, this could also increase health problems both for livestock and humans if not made under the right conditions such as the right animal density per house and good management. Obviously, health complications are reducing efficiency in production and have a negative effect on turnover and general economy therefore, the disease must be controlled precisely. There are several treatments which could help disease control but none of the treatments would be effective without having good biosecurity strategies in the farm.
Biosecurity is key to control and reduce diseases in a farm and consequently reduce the overuse of antibiotics. Simply, biosecurity is helping to reduce the antibiotic resistance threat and increasing animal welfare by blocking and suppressing disease challenges with precise control (management) and obeying good hygiene and security strategies.
In a farm, there are two different types of biosecurity’: Terminal and Continuous Biosecurity.
In Pig Topics: Cost-effective formula enhances feed intake and relieves stress
In edition 34 number 1 (2019) of Pig Topics Magazine page 18, XVET shares its know-how on Natural Antibiotic Growth Promoters such as Aromax, the key product based on essential oils that is also a cost-effective formula that enhances the feed intake.
Read the complete text here:
“Due to the rising problems of antibiotic resistance, eco-friendly, non-antibiotic growth promoters (NAGP) have been developed and used successfully.
It is known that plant primary and secondary compounds may beneficially affect animal health and production. They can act as immunomodulators, antioxidants, digestive stimulants or promote directly or indirectly performance and quality of animal growth.